NOTE: 这篇文章迁移自旧博客(typecho)

How to keep your sanity

Don't think you need to solve, participate in or even notice everything happening.

Work on such a project where most things are already done and the things left

aren't that fun anymore can be very gruesome, even if that might not be

directly noticeable. Just do whatever is fun, feels doable and is inspiring

you. This is not a full-time job, it's not even a job at all. You're not

required to answer if you don't feel like doing so or would be forcing


In short: Do whatever you seriously want.

Always assume the best. There's no reason to be rude.

Communication is hard. Even if it might seem like someone seriously didn't

take any look at the docs before opening the issue, it's very possible that

they did and found it not to be matching their case, misinterpreted what's

written, or weren't sure if they were looking at the right section. What might

feel obvious to you could feel obscure to another person.

Re-state the essential docs contents, link to the relevant section and ask how

it could be worded better/could be found better.

Ask for more information if you require so. Some investigation can be done by the user.

If some case requires some special environmental information which isn't given

in the original report, ask for it. Or if you aren't sure what you're looking

for, state what you believe is the case and add some potentially useful

queries. It's also completely okay to state afterwards that you still don't

have a clue.

Neovide is a frontend for an arcane text editor, it's very possible that the

person reporting the issue has some Rust or general programming knowledge and

could help with debugging/tracing down the original cause for an issue. Some

people state so if they want to do that (usually by "I'd be happy for any

pointers or hints" or "I'm interested in contributing"), but this is more art

than science. Even if the original reporter can't seem to solve the issue,

someone else interested in contributing might lurk around and find exactly

those pointers.
